Matching songbook to the album Blessed by Hillsong Music Australia.

And no one could ever take his place in us. Intro F Bb2 Dm7 Bb2 Verse 1 Bb F Dm C In Christ alone my hope is found F/A Bb C F He is my light, my strength, my song Bb F Dm C This cornerstone, this solid ground F/A Bb C F Firm through the fiercest drought and storm F/A Bb Dm C What heights of love, what depths of peace F/A Bb Dm C When fears are stilled, when strivings cease Bb F Dm C. Cornerstone Chords - Hillsong Music Worship Chords - Verse 1 C My hope is built on nothing less F G Than Jesus blood and righteousness Am. You Are my World– is a worship song about our God that He is our world and our only God. Five of these songs come from Hillsong, This Is Amazing Grace is the. Song Name: Cornerstone Arrangement: Hillsong Live - Cornerstone Album key: C, BPM: 71.

To The Ends of the Earth – is a worship song that tells the people to believe in him and He is the only Son of God. As discussed, In Christ Alone comes in a distant second with 224 words and yet. Tell The World– is all about wanting our Lord in our life by telling the world that He lives, He died for them and He lives again for us. Across The Earth by Hillsong United (with chords and lyrics) is a praise song about our Lord who gave us hope and redeemed us.Īcross The Earth by Hillsong United is from the album “This is Our God”.