Windows WIA scan error (WIA error code 80004005) – This error is easily fixable by simply uninstalling and reinstalling your WIA driver.The WIA driver is in use and cannot be installed – Before updating or installing the WIA driver, you will need to disconnect or turn off your scanner.While we’re at it, let’s quickly review some related issues that our readers reported so that you know exactly what you’re up against. Where does this error occur and what to expect? There is a good chance that the WIA driver for the scanner is outdated in which case it is not compatible with the new operating system alternatively, the driver could have become corrupted for reasons that are not known. You won’t need to use an application because it allows you to scan things without one. The WIA driver model may be found in Windows XP and subsequent iterations of the operating system. So, it suggests that users update their WIA drivers to resolve the issue. Please install it from the installation CD or manufacturer’s website and try again.

The full WIA driver error message states: You need a WIA driver to use this device. However, some users have stated on forums that the You need a WIA driver error message pops up when they try to utilize their HP or Canon scanners.

The Windows Image Acquisition service enables scanners, and other imaging devices, to communicate with graphics software, such as Photoshop. Home › Fix › Windows 10 › Windows WIA scan error